Saturday 16 April 2011

manusia zaman sekarang....

korang!! tau tak yang phone mak ak kene steal!!
kat dlm masjid weyh.... ad org selongkar beg...(rasenyer la)
ak tnye mak..`ibu bkn slaloo ltak beg kat dpan ke bile sembhyang??'
mak ak ckp ` dlm beg tu x de duit langsung..x expect la jd camnie'
ak pon mampu mendengar je la.....
kalau dah memg Allah kte `kun fayakun' memg bende tu nak jd atau sememangnyer akan jadi....

Ya Allah...bile pikir2 balik.. dalam masjid tu weyh!! sempat lagi nak mencuri...
mcm biase la...kalau dah mencuri tu..nombor mmg la DYE buang kan......
mak ak ad cter ngan mak cik kat masjid tu....mak ak ckp`fon 2 sye x syg sgt makcik..sbab fon murah nombor dlm tuh..byk..'
mak ak cter..ak pon ckp la` ayah...mmg dah smpi seru kene beli fon baru tu!! hahahhaa'

2 je la...ak nk cter entry nieyh..okay

where's the sounds??

where's the sounds of happiness???
where's the sounds of friendship???
where's the sounds of the noisy girls???
where's the sounds of us???
now can u tell me where did the sounds go???

interesting right???
well, this blog seems like nothing to do..... untill we got the new story to tell all of you...
hahahha...YES!!! the conclusion is no new hot story...
and i wrote this post just because i am BORING...

but seriously guys...
memng x tau nk ckp pe...

ok till then,

Friday 1 April 2011

next story about explorace....

salam to all of u....
like usual, pink always be choice....
haha.... for ur in4mation....
group aku terdiri dr atikah, solleh, adzeem n last but not least aq ar an....
haha...seronok kowt bnda nie...
smiggu cter pun xabis....
hehe... bcelah pjalann cter group aq....

first2 ktorg bkak jea paper uh....
port pling best atas dustbin! (cool right? ;))
bilik titiwangsa 2.... our first checkpoint.... (act nme blik uh setiawangsa, not titiwangsa!)
>maen golf... n i'm the only one dpat msukkan... (it just a luck! haha)
next, 2nd checkpoint that worse ever....
>kne tgkap ikan dalam kolam yg pnuh dengan katak!!!!!
aq msuk jea la...(wlupun tkowt....)
but the miracle thing is that atikah telah mencemar duli dgn mngtorkn tngannya....
haha.... next... ktorang kne jtuhkan pmadam guna kcang hijau!
nsib bek jtuh.... (wlaupun aq xjtuhkan stu pun....hehe...)
pas uh... ktorg kne wat pumping 300 kli....
aq tatau na cte ap lg....
conclusion of my story is the explorace was very2 best!!!! haha...

central we come!!

on.....monday(21/03/2011) i think.....
ada n i was went to CENTRAL MARKET..a.k.a CM....
we decide to go there cause the kawat thingi was ya!!
we walk and walk about ?km and 20 minutes i think...
with butterfly in our stomach.....
when we reached there... ada said.` aku ingat CM nie cam pavillion kewh... rupenyer camnie'
haha.... i was laughing like huahua....(Ada dah slack je)
jaln pnye jaln lagy.... last2.. cube teka ap yg ktorg beli..????
ktorg beli FAMOUS AMOS JEW..huahuahua.....
actually kat sane byk barang utk tourists jew,.....
otw to go back to school.... we stopped at masjid jamek to procede Asar prayers....
tp ktorg x tau kat mane nak amek air semayang....nak tnye org cam kelakar je....
ada ngan aku pun follow org yg baru masuk masjid tuh...then barulah ktorg tau nak amek air semayang kat mane.... tergelak-gelak aku...
after that..kluar dari masjid..ak nmpak pasar..ak ajak la ada snggah...
nampak papan tanda tuh...ak ckp..`OH... NI LAH JALAN MASJID INDIA..'
haha...seriously mcm pelancong tau!!! x beli ape jugak.... dpt penat je....

we will continue later..!!HAHAHAHA


so much FUN la weh!!!!!!!!!!!!explorace like hell...excited gile..lagi2 bdk tiga orang tuh..{farah, ada,atikah}..hahaha..ckp org aku pun same..but i much experience..

group ktorng: me,Farah,Qayyim,Taufiq...caye x...??cam x caye jerk..
group ada:biar dye cite sndiri..siap ad scandal bru tuh...
farah ngan atika pun scandal..

so this is the experiences...
>belah kelapa cam ape aku nyer pling kemas (perasan), x de org nk puji, spe lg en??
>main golf..hold the real golf stick y'know???excited nieyh..don't ask..
>playing the sudoku game, klu masuk competition mmg kalah...hahahah
>lari lari lari...naik turun tangga...bukit...ya Allah!!! bleh kurus...
>main takraw...hahah..da rse cam lelaki..coolio!!!!
>doing the push up..sakit ketiak day..almost 70-80....tros ade muscle...huahuahua
>main bowling pakai kelapa....hahaha...taufiq play like he was at the real bowling centre...Farah and Qayyim second try bru nak jatuh sume....aku???hahaha...pnat bling kelapa...
>bak kate taufiq: arie ni sume bnda kte dpt main in classic way..
>last but not least...the best part was we are gathering with form 5 atdi...though they will bulliying us but na...they're so kind...lucky us...hahhaa..kan FARAH, ADA??
>and kitaorng telah mnghabiskan checkpoint...and got the paper that wrote"TAHNIAH!!ANDA TELAH MENGHABISKAN CHECKPOINT EXPLORACE....BLA BLA BLA..." tah ape lg tah...but taufiq has lost the paper...kte nk photostate la..nk frame kn wat knangn la...
>before start tgn da sejuk giler coz tkut tau x...!!!b'debar-debar cam ape jer...

to Hawa,
we're sharing this story to make you jeles...hahhaha  x...x..x...x...tipu jer...
actually..nk share keseronokan ngn kau..klu kau ade msti lg best...well...ktaorg rndu giler ngan kau.

premise 1:rindu sngt kt korng , rindu kat our group.
premise 2:rindu kite
conclusion: rindu sume nyer lah!!!!


ak letak lagu tu....
sebab lagu rapuh x de ar...
nty ak cari lagy.....
bye..gudnyte...! ;)