Saturday 19 March 2011


kalau korang nak tau, aku la yg ltak gmba tuh..hahaha..sorry la kalau x lawa....aku x de keje...ok lah..aku x update coz line x bpe nk elok...

one more thing,

Friday 18 March 2011


green 4 eva!! haha..
kt sesta pn ak umh ijau.. cresendo..
cool x?? cam xavier kn...
cool gler nma....

anyway guys,, miss u like heaven...!!
to nameen: thanx coz saying my sesta lawa...
haha... bkn stakat dpn kem,, ak kt dlm pn dh cam askar...
haish... =.='
to ada: ko x yah pkir la weh...
ak nye cadangn,, x yah pilih mna2...
snang idop... single is simple...
haha... (ak pn tgh angau snanye nie... heee...)
to fanie: almak... ak lpa ape nk tlis... jga bju n glang ak leklok ea.. ahaks!
* sory coz may be ak x dpt dtg skan..
  turn laki outing time 2..
*once u be a cbner u alwiz be a cbner

salam sayang dr hawa -dak sesta
(yg jauh di mata tp dkt di ati) ^,^

Thursday 17 March 2011


sape letak gamba tuh???
ak nak share blog kite kat fb bole??
act......dah share dah.....
ok tak??hehe

Wednesday 16 March 2011

complicated relationship.....

helo2 people..... i'm back...
haha... this time i just want to tell about relationship that always complicated...
first of all, about ISTIHAN...
he such a very good person... caring and nothing to comment...
but he was a very jealous person...
i don't know why...
maybe he loved me so much! haha.. joking...
second thing is about LUQMAN....
he is kind,romantic(i think), and care about me...
but na... i can't accept him as my partner...
he didn't text me since yesterday...
i do not know why...
da... enough about him...
now! the last person...
taraa... new people in my life...
i know him when he started to text my number...
he is from ampang... school at seraya...
his bufday is on 15 march! yesterday!!
he asked me something...
do you know what it is?
"u nak cpel ngan i x?" thats the word....
so fast right? what is my answer?
" kte kwn je ley x u?"
and..... he accepted it...
there is 3 men in my life right now....
who i gonna choose?
i also dunno... haha...
just wait and see... time will make everything clear....

Monday 14 March 2011

friendship never end.....

I MEAN IT...!!=)


ak x wish pon burfday `dye`....
padan muke dye...haha
malam nie ak ingat nak menjalankan operasi bertanye kat dye.....
so...wish me gud lak!
plan nak gy sunway tuh...`harapan tinggal harapan` je ur....
gy jj bukit tinggi dah....
ape cer korang.. nameen gy cameron,hawa...melaka... ada??
menuntun pelbagai jenis dinosour....bersama adik2 sedara tercinte.....
ad camasourus,terorus dan banyak lagi....hahahaha
boring ar cuti skola nieyh.....


yeah!!this is my first post i think..IT IS!and my post always in purple..coz i am purplelicious...heheh..
and x tau nk write ape kt sinie...saje jer nak memenuhkan ruang...huahuahua..

dear Hawa,
aku rindu kau doh!!!aku lalu skola kau ..lawa, tp seram..hahaha..depan kem plak 2..DAHSYAT!!!
to Ada and Farah,
jumpa kt skool nnti ek??

and 1 more thing Ada Hawa Farah,
sory x de pape nk bg bnda dr Cameron Highlands..bnda sume sama jerk...korg pun da bosan...

last but not least,
love korang...<3<3<3 miss u..

Sunday 13 March 2011

kebengangan terhadap line di rumah....

tngok? comel kan sneakers nie.... pink!!!! haha.... ap nie... dpat broadband line mcm ap jea... sbar jea la k... yg post lpas hawa uh aku.... ingt nk ltak nme... lpe... hehe... ak ad knal ngan sorg mamat nie... nme dye afiq... dak ampang... ak rce dye kwn nazri tp ntah... abaikan jea lar... knal xsmpai shari da mntx kapel... tekejut la ak... agak2 ak trima ke tak???? mestilah.... tak.... haha... giler ap nk trima... knal xsmpai shari nk kapel... harapan la.... chop2!!! ckgu hafies dah kahwin ngan cik siti nor..... tahniah2... ckgu ksygan hawa uh... haha...

yezz.....!! kte berjalan ngan lancar...huahua
hope bende nieyh jd perantaraan yea....
ak nak cary gamba kte 4 orang ar....
buat profile picture....
sape yang post after hawa post tu??
nty buh name ea after post....
cuti sekolah ni rajin2 la update...k??
luv uollss...gudnyte =)

Saturday 12 March 2011


hari nie aku dpat bkak blog kat umah.... akhirnya.... ble ak bkak jea, ak nmpak entry yg hawa post.... u make me miss u like orang gilak.... ak sngtttt rndu kau.... aku hrap blog nie jd pdhubung kte berempat smpai ble2... ak xnak kte trpisah... mksudnya walau kte jauh, tp still keep in touch keyh??? aku akn ingt korang smpai ble2....

terkenang memori lalu......

rindunye kt 3 org nie... ad kalanye pape yg dak sesta bwat mengingtkn ak kt korg sume... lg2 time din nyanyi lgu wilayah ak tringt cbn kowt... dorg nyanyi nasyid trkenang memori lalu tu kn,, lg la bwat ak tringt kt korg sume.. hahaha... just remember u'll be always in my heart.. blaja elok2 k..
* nk taw,, cbn gler femes!! so,, brbangga la anda yg mnjdi cbner... hahaha...
  once u be a cbner u always be a cbner...

salam sayang dr hawa....-dak sesta
(yg jauh d mata tp dkt d ati)